
Being a personal trainer I’ve noticed that when people ask me questions at the gym they’re never about nutrition. For some reason the questions I get are either about how to perform a certain exercise or what ab exercises can someone do to burn fat from their stomach, which by the way you can’t target a specific location and expect just to burn fat there. It’s called BODY fat for a reason.

These types of questions are all fine and dandy but that’s just scratching the surface when it comes to transforming your body and becoming a healthier you.

So today I wanted to go over nutrition basics that I believe everyone should know, So let’s get right to it.

First things first, eat your meat

Meat is such an important part of a healthy diet that if you’re not eating it, you’re robbing yourself short of building more muscle, burning more body fat, and you’re also putting yourself at risk of unwanted health conditions.

Meat is a top source of iron and zinc. Two really important minerals that play a huge roll in keeping you healthy and your vitality up.

Iron helps produce more hemoglobin, which transports oxygen throughout your body. The more hemoglobin you have, the more oxygen you’re giving your body. See you cells are just like you, they need to breathe in order to function optimally. The CO2 you breathe out is a byproduct of your cells (That’s a fun fact for you)

And trust me when I say that more than half of the world’s population doesn’t breathe properly. If any of you guys follow Elliot Hulse. He goes to further explain why this is. The tightness that we create in our muscles restrict us from fully inhaling the oxygen we need to function optimally.

And if you’re not eating meat, your hemoglobin levels are low, coupled with tight muscles restricting us from breathing properly….

No wondering you’re not performing your best.

Not only does meat give us minerals that we need. It also has a complete amino acid profile

What that basically means is that you get ALL 20 amino acids (Protein building blocks). Which will help you repair tissue faster (like muscles)

And did I forget to mention, it tastes AMAZING. If cooked correctly you can make any type of meat taste like it came from a 5 star restaurant.

The next thing I believe people should know about proper nutrition is…

Cutting out white foods. For example; sugar, bread, pasta, milk, and rice. I know I know… All the good foods

But look at it this way. Once you have your diet in check, it makes it a lot easier to enjoy the white foods once in a while and still look sexy.

By the way, I know some people are gonna argue about milk being on my list; “but Josh, don’t you need calcium from milk to keep your bones strong and healthy?”

Yes you do, but the quality that regular pasteurized milk comes in isn’t worth getting your calcium source from (I’ll go into further detail about this in future posts).

Third thing is pretty shocking and some people might not agree with me, but I’m gonna say it anyways.

Limit fruit consumption

Yes, fruits are good for you, but what I see when people get on the health craze they always end up eating fruits and a lot of it.

Fruits are good for you in moderation, especially if fat loss is your goal. You also have to remember they contain fructose, a sugar that your liver has to metabolize and get rid of because your body can’t use it for energy.  So pretty much its useless.

And if you are eating fruits, make sure they’re organic.

The fourth thing I want to mention is to stick with high quality carbohydrates.

Carbs aren’t your enemy, if you want to perform at your best you need carbs for energy and hormone production. But when you start getting those carbs from a bad source like processed foods that’s when it starts becoming an issue.

I like to stick with 4 carb sources, which are;

  1. Sweet potatoes
  2. Red potatoes
  3. Quinoa
  4. Ezekiel raisin bread (occasionally)

Now the last thing I want to mention is the easiest one to follow.

Increasing your veggie intake

If you want to be healthier and feel better increasing your veggie intake is a must. Veggies are loaded with vitamin and minerals that your body needs in order to…once again, function properly.

They’re also high in fiber which keeps your digestive system happy and even helps lower bad cholesterol.

So remember, eat your veggies (and make sure they’re organic. No produce you eat should ever be non-organic. You don’t wanna be eating that Monsanto shit)

Following these five guidelines will keep you healthy and fit, but if you want to achieve your body transformation goals, then you should check out my free reports —> CLICK HERE

NutritionHey I hope you enjoyed today’s article, if you know of any nutrition guidelines I didn’t mention above leave them down in the comments section. I’d love to hear what you do.

If you enjoyed this info please share..Thanks

Talk to you soon,
