Wake up tomorrow morning, go to your bathroom, grab your thermometer and take your temperature. Why? Well according to Dr. Rind’s; temperatures reflect an individual’s metabolic energy state, how well your metabolism runs.
Now it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that there’s a large percentage of the population that has trouble losing weight and the reason for it can be multiple things. One of the most important variables that most people over look is their metabolic rate.
People worry about external things; having the best training program, making sure they eat the right foods, and making sure they’re getting enough sleep, which are all VERY important when trying to get lean but the state of their metabolism when they start their journey to a healthier them is often neglected.
It’s time for people to start looking within; by taking your temperature first thing in the morning (before you pee) you get your basal metabolic rate.
For most it’ll be below the optimal temperature of 98.6 (and don’t let anyone tell you that having a temperature below that is normal, because it’s not. I actually just read an article talking about the older you get the lower your temperature becomes. Now I know I’m not old but I bet if you ask a healthy 40 year old that lifts and eats right to take his temperature it’ll be at 98.6. It’s a shame that the media outlet that put out this article out is read by millions of people; now millions of people are going to think its normal to have a body temperature lower than 98.6)
Now when you find out your temperature and you realize it’s below 98.6 you want to make sure you do something about it. Having a body temperature below 98.6 isn’t healthy and ultimately means your metabolism is running slow; which means the chemical process that occurs in your cells in order to maintain life is running sluggish.
That’s why when people suffer from a slow metabolism they notice symptoms like;
- weight gain
- lethargy
- poor quality hair and nails
- hair loss
- dry skin
- fatigue
- cold hands and feet
- constipation
Often times when an individual suffers from a slow metabolism it’s also an indicator that their thyroid health is also bad.
This comes from directly the Weston A Price Foundation;
“The thyroid gland, located at the base of the neck, make the hormone thyroxine (T4), T4 converts to triiodothryronine (T3) and reverse T3 (RT3). It is T3 that turns on the ATP-making machinery inside each living cell; while the RT3 slows is down.
The production of these thyroid hormones is controlled by TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) which is released by the pituitary gland in the brain.”
Now this is where things get interesting.
The cause of a slow metabolism can come from multiple things; poor diet, eating very little, restricting a macronutrient, and even consuming large amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) can bring down your metabolism*.
*side note: I’m not saying PUFA’s are bad for your health but if your diet consists of a lot of nuts, seed, oils, and vegetables. The effects of PUFA’s can take a toll.
Think of it this way. When squirrels or bears get ready to hibernate they consume a shit ton of nuts and seeds; which are very high in PUFA’s. The PUFA’s slow down their metabolic rate, allowing them to survive on less nutrients since they’ll be asleep for a couple of months.
But the most important factor that 99% of people suffer from these days is stress.
When there’s too much stress in your life your adrenal glands take a beating, for people that don’t know; the adrenal glands are located at the top of each kidney and their primary job is to help the body deal with stress, weather it’s from school, work, an injury, or even relationship problems your adrenal glands are there for support.
Now when the adrenals can’t take the burden of stress anymore they fatigue; which means they can’t function properly and when this happens the hypothalamus will signal the pituitary gland to produce less TSH, which will then produce less T4 and inevitably less T3 (and if you remember T3 turns on the ATP making machinery inside your cells).
When there’s less ATP inside your cells, there’s less energy over all, leaving you feeling fatigued and tired.
Now that you understand the importance of having your metabolism run optimally it’s time to find out how to fix the problem
How do I fix my metabolism?
There are 4 things we have to look at when it comes to fixing you metabolism.
- Diet
- Stress levels
- Activity
- Sleep
1. Diet
Diet will be the most important aspect when it comes to recharging your metabolism.
Like I mentioned above restricting important macronutrients will have a damaging effect on your metabolism; so for the time being don’t restrict protein, carbs, or fats.
You want to make sure you have a balance of all three in your diet. Get your calories from whole foods; meat, veggies, fruits, eggs, bacon, butter, potatoes etc.
2. Stress Levels
Stress can come in all shapes and sizes; from emotional stress to toxins in your food and water, and even allergies.
Stress is good to a certain point.
Where most people go wrong is that they let the stress accumulate to the point of overflowing. Think of it this way; think of stress as water and your body as a cup. If you start adding a tablespoon of water (stress) in the cup (your body) eventually the water will overflow because you didn’t pour any water to compensate for the extra water coming in.
Same thing goes for your body. If you don’t find a way to pour the stress out it’ll accumulate and you’ll start seeing the negative effects of stress.
So how do you “pour” out stress?
Well for starters I recommend meditation. When you meditate you slow everything down; from your heart rate to your breathing. Even your blood pressure can be lowered with mediation.
I also recommend taking long walks in nature, using magnesium oil, laughing, playing, basically anything fun that takes you out of the rhythm of everyday life.
3. Activity
When it comes to fixing your metabolism, activity is a must; lift weights and do high intensity cardio.
When you’re sedentary your body doesn’t have a need to break down food for energy quickly, so it doesn’t.
And vice versa; when you have an active life style your body needs more energy so it’ll speed up your metabolism in order to give you more energy for your activities.
So in order to fix your metabolism you need to be more active. Not just in the gym but also on your free time. Go out for walks, play with your friends or kids; just don’t sit down for hours on end.
In the gym aim for more muscle mass, the more mass you have on your body; the high your metabolism will be. So aim to get stronger (with strength comes mass). Add in some HIIT for fat loss and cardiovascular health and you have yourself a perfect formula to increase your metabolism.
One thing to remember though is to not overdo it. Working out is a stressor to the body. Going overboard will just add more stress onto the adrenal glands.
4. Sleep
Getting a restful night of sleeping is super important when it comes to your metabolic rate.
Not only does getting good sleep help with fat loss and building muscle (since sleep is the time that the body repairs itself) it also helps fat cells respond better to insulin, and there’s a decrease of ghrelin in the morning (making you less hungry).
[cleveryoutube video=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_6M3Di5l90″ vidstyle=”2″ pic=”” afterpic=”” width=”” starttime=”” endtime=”” caption=”” showexpander=”off” alignment=”center” newser=””]
When you’re trying to fix your metabolism getting more than enough sleep is important. I always recommend 8 to 10 hours of sleep but if you suffer from a slow metabolism and are trying to fix it; the more sleep the better.
I would say aim for 10 to 13 hours if possible. If that means getting to bed earlier, do so.
There’s nothing more important than your health.
I always say; if you don’t have your health, you don’t have shit.
Talk to you later,