BUSTED: The Agave Nectar Myth Cleared Up
If you’re into health or even just starting to look into a healthier life style You probably have come across Agave Nectar. This so called “healthier sweetener” has been marketed as the
If you’re into health or even just starting to look into a healthier life style You probably have come across Agave Nectar. This so called “healthier sweetener” has been marketed as the
[cleveryoutube video="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWVFVNpEJFw" vidstyle="1" pic="" afterpic="" width="" starttime="" endtime="" caption="" showexpander="off" alignment="center" newser=""] *sniff *sniff…is it just me or do you smell bull shit too? If you’ve seen this commercial before you’ve witnessed