agaveIf you’re into health or even just starting to look into a healthier life style

You probably have come across Agave Nectar.

This so called “healthier sweetener” has been marketed as the go to choice for diabetics, weight conscious people, and even vegans and raw food eaters.

So why am I bad-mouthing it?

Well I’m glad you ask but before I get into that I want to explain where agave nectar comes from.

It should be no surprise that it is the sap of the agave plant. It’s heated and processed into a brownish syrup, bottled, and put in front of your face to buy and consume.

Unfortunately the marketing for this new sweetener was so successful that people never questioned the safety of agave nectar.

Not knowing that most of the agave nectar products come from Mexico, whose manufacturing laws aren’t as strict, so we have no idea exactly how they extract and process the agave sap.

What the media has also failed to tell you is that agave is much richer in fructose, and if you’ve read my articles before you understand why this is a bad thing.

According to Dr. Mercola

Agave nectar, depending on where the agave comes from and the amount of heat used to process it, your agave syrup can be anywhere from 55 percent to 90 percent fructose ( Man I feel sorry for your liver )

Needless to say, if you’ve been tricked into buying this product as a healthier alternative to sweetness; you need to step back, drop that bottle of agave and go listen to the nectar of bass, that’s the real sweetness.

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